“Female snipers of 3rd army, 1st Belorussian front.
From left to right :
1st row down is a senior non-commission officer V.N. Stepanova (20 kills), a senior non-commission officer Y.P. Belousova (80 kills , a senior non-commission officer А.Е. Vinogradova (83 kills);
2nd row is the second lieutenant Е.К. Zibovskaya (24 enemies), a senior non-commission officer К.F. Мarinkina (79 enemies), a senior non-commission officer О.S. Маrjenkina (70 enemies);
3rd row is the second lieutenant N.P. Belobrova (70 kills) , a lieutenant N.А. Lobkovskaya (89 kills) , the second lieutenant V.I. Аrtamonova, a senior non-commission officer М.G. Zubchenkо (24 kills);
4th row is non-commission officer N.P. Оbuchovskaya (64 kills), a non-commission officer А.R. Belyakova (24 kills)”
Source: Tales of War